白鲸咖啡豆子店是 2015 年成立于上海的精品咖啡豆烘焙品牌,相比咖啡我们更关注咖啡豆本身,为所有需要咖啡的人提供专业的烘焙服务; 也希望以产品与设计为载体,向所有钟情于精品咖啡世界的人传达我们倡导的生活理念 —— 尊重时间,敬畏自然,让时间和咖啡自然流淌。 用我们的方式实践创新,回馈孕育咖啡的原产地,促进彼此永续成长。
MOBYDICK COFFEE ROASTERS was founded 2015 in Shanghai. As to coffee we would put so much more focus on the beans themselves. We offer professional roasting techniques to all coffee pursuers. Through our design and products, we roast with the aim to showcase a way of lifestyle, showing respect to time and reverence of nature, which is called “let go of the time”. We value innovations and practice, dedicate ourselves into the headstream of coffee beans. We constantly seek to improve in everything that can benefit the coffee industry.